Recruitment for the post of Civil Judge, Odisha

Online applications are invited from prospective candidates through the proforma Application to be made available on the website of commission (

Vacancies Positions

S. No. Category Total Vacancies Vacancies reserved for Women
1 Un-reserved 22 07
2 Scheduled Caste 12 04
3 Scheduled Tribe 09 03
4 S.E.B.C 06 02
5 Persons with benchmark Disabilities 04 01

Educational and others Qualifications 

 1) A candidate must be a graduate in Law of a University or Institution recognized by the Government. 

 2) The candidate must be a citizen of India. 

 3) He/She must be of good character and of sound health and free from any organic defect and physical infirmity. 

 4) He/She must be able to speak, read and write Odia fluently and must have passed an examination in Odia language equivalent to that of Middle English School standard (i.e. Class/Standard – VII) within the last date.

{{Alisha Fatima}}