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CGPSC Civil Judge Examination Pattern and Procedure
The Chhattisgarh High Court holds the Chhattisgarh Judicial Service Examination each year to select candidates for the Civil Judge cadre. Numerous students apply each year for the position of civil judge. Candidates preparing for the exam can examine the CGPSC exam pattern for both the preliminary and main examinations. With the aid of the CGPSC exam pattern 2023, candidates will have a general concept of the question paper and subjects that are covered in the examination. Before beginning their exam preparation, candidates are required to review the key aspects of the examination pattern.
Latest Update - Chhattisgarh Judiciary, Vacancies of 49 seats are released on 1st June, 2023. The online registration process starts on 5 June 2023 and ended on 24 June 2023.
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The CGPSC Civil Judge Examination Scheme
The examination shall be conducted by the CGPSC in three parts for the aforesaid post. In the first part, a Preliminary Examination shall be conducted to restrict the number of candidates to the reasonable limit for the main Examination. The scheme and syllabus for the Online Preliminary Examination & Main Examination has been published in the advertisement under Appendix ‘B’ and Appendix ‘C’. Information regarding Date & Time of the main Examination will be published thereon.
1. Question paper for online preliminary examination shall be of 100 marks and will consist of 100 objective type questions. Each question shall have four options for answer, out of which one option will be the correct answer.
2. Candidates shall have to tick the correct option.
3. Online Preliminary Examination Paper (Objective Type) shall be evaluated as per entries made on online exam to be assessed on Computer.
4. The language of the question paper of Online Preliminary Examination and Main written Examination will be English and Hindi.
5. The relatively more meritorious candidates from among those who appeared in the Online Preliminary Examination in the ratio of 1:10 having regard to the number of vacancies shall be declared qualified for appearing in the Main Examination. The candidates obtaining equal marks as obtained by the last qualified candidates shall also be declared as qualified, though, in consequence the number of the candidates declared as qualified may exceed the parameter of 10 times the number of Notified vacancies. The same procedure will be adopted for Viva Voce in the Main Examination while declaring the candidates qualified on the basis of merit possibly three times against the number of vacancies.
6. The final selection will be on merit on the basis of total marks obtained in the written (Main) Examination and Viva Voce. The decision of the CGPSC with regard to calling the candidates for Viva Voce will be final. The maximum 15 marks are fixed for Viva-voce.
7. A candidate belonging to unreserved category has to secure minimum 33% marks in the viva voce and those belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Other Backward Classes shall be required to secure minimum 25% marks in the viva-voce.
a) There shall be a screening test in the Online Preliminary Examination to shortlist candidates for the Main Examination. The mark sheet for Online Preliminary Examination will not be issued, nor the marks obtained in that Examination will be added while preparing the merit list of the Main Examination.
b) The candidates remaining absent in the Viva–voce shall be disqualified for the selection.
CGPSC Civil Judge Exam Syllabus
(a) Online Preliminary Examination
(No of Question- 100, Time – 2:00 Hour, Marks- 100)
The online Preliminary Examination shall be of duration of two hours consisting of 100 objects type questions from the followings:-
1. Indian Penal Code 2. Code of Civil Procedure 3. Code of Criminal Procedure 4. Indian Evidence Act 5. Constitution of India 6. Transfer of Property Act 7. Contract Act 8. Limitation Act 9. The Chhattisgarh Rent Control Act, 2011 10. Court Fees Act 11. Specific Relief Act 12. Registration Act 13. Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Code 14. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 15. The Chhattisgarh Excise Act, 1915
(b) Main Examination (Written)
(Time – 3:00 Hours, Mark- 100)
For Main Examination, the relatively more meritorious candidates from among those who appeared in the Preliminary Examination in the ratio of 1:10 having regard to the number of vacancies shall be called for Main Examination (Written) to be conducted which shall consist of:
I. Framing of issues and writing of Judgement in Civil Cases- (Maximum 40 Marks)
II. Framing of Charges and writing of Judgement in Criminal Cases – (Maximum 40 Marks)
III. Translation
1. English to Hindi- (Maximum 10 Marks)
2. Hindi to English (Maximum 10 Marks)
(c) Viva-voce:- Relatively more meritorious candidates from among those who appeared in the Main Examination in the ratio of 1:3 having regard to the number of vacancies, shall be called for Viva-voce to be conducted. The maximum mark for Viva – voce would be 15.
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Adv Abhishek
Delhi High Court